SEAPEX 6th -AAPG Student Leadership Conference 2011


1. Dr. Ir. Hendaryono, DEA (Faculty Advisor of AAPG UPN SC)
2. Salahuddin Hussein ST., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Faculty Advisor of AAPG UGM SC)
3. Edward Syafron ST., M.Sc(Oversight Committee of AAPG Indonesia)
4. Damianus Fritz (Oversight Committee of AAPG Indonesia)
5. Geovani C Kaeng (Oversight Committee of AAPG Indonesia)
6. Ir. Dharmawan Samsu, M.Sc (Oversight Committee of AAPG Indonesia)
7. Ir. Herman Darman, M.Sc (Ex-President of AAPG Asia Pacific Region)
8. Howard J. Smith (SEAPEX Representative )
9. Dr. Wartono (Indonesia Association of Geologist)
9. Dr.Premonowati (Indonesia Association of Geologist)
10. Ngakan Alit Ascaria, Ph.D (Premier Oil)
11. Ir. Ahmad Yuniarto (CEO of Schlumberger Indonesia)
12. Rovicky DP ( HESS, administrator of Dongeng Geologi )
13. Eko Widianto (VP EP Technology Center. PT PERTAMINA (Persero))


The 6th SEAPEX - AAPG STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2010 will be attended by:
1. SEAPEX Representative
2. Oversight Committee of AAPG INDONESIA
3. Ex-President of AAPG Asia Pacific Region
4. Guest Lecturer
5. Faculty Advisor
6. Ex-President of Student Chapter AAPG
7. Student Delegation from 12 Student Chapters AAPG in Indonesia
8. Student Invitation Delegation from 6 Universities
9. Member of committee

SEAPEX 7th will be geoscince student conference